Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ganglion Cyst of the Shoulder

Ganglion Cyst
A Ganglion Cyst is a mass or lump that develops on or beneath the skin. Ganglion cyst are not only seen at the shoulder joint but are also found around the joints of the elbow, knee, hip, ankle, and foot and even more frequently, these cyst are detected on the wrist and fingers. Tissues encompassing certain joints distend with a jelly-like substance.
Recurrent injuries or moderate sprains can aggravate and break up the thin membrane that coats the tendon that causes the jelly-like substance to drain into a sac that inflates and forms a ganglion. Ganglion cyst tend to impede range of motion which hinders the joints ability to bend or straighten causing aching, irritation or soreness to develop.
An examination is typically performs through physical examination along with either an ultrasound, x-ray or MRI. If necessary, fluid may be removed from the cyst to be examined.
Treatment for some ganglion cysts is not required, however, some cysts call for Acetaminophen for minimal pain and others cysts call for Steroids for more intolerable pain. For the more bothersome cysts, surgery can be performed to remove the cyst.

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